
You know the feeling you get when your hear a bird fly into a window somewhere on your house? I just got that feeling reading this thread.

Bullshit bitch-tits.. in order to grasp the total beatdown your "crew" has taken at my hands you'd have to shove a road cone up your ass to evoke a sensory recall to adequately "feel" the love I've bestowed upon you and your "boyz"

hand 2 cunt

I think you better count that score again, champ.

I think you should learn to count mushmouth...Dont base this thread on what "others" had to say.. You called me out...You took a fucken beating..lol


This time take that cock out of your mouth so you can see the screen a little better.

And you call me "delusional" lmao.. I call "braintrust" and you wait till Floofin posts to chime out..lol

I'll do you and your "boyz" a favor and educate you...
Pay attention..
Heres where you failed..

Hand 2 Cunt
- Fire, please die of it you l33t speaking maggot.
- Go gargle with Drano you pathetic little cunt of a man.
- go get your face gets ripped off by a rabid pit bull, you maggoty ass fagot.

All these posts scream of "Daddy ,make the bad man stop hurting me" lol You desperately hoping that I would stop kicking the shit out of you is your complete 0wnage.. Fucken Deal Cunts..lol


Remember last week when you were a l33t speaking fagot? Guess what, nothing has changed.

One more time you reading deficient sped.. I hunt with decoys..l33t speak brings em in every time. You're the fucken slip shod sack sucken simple simon that fell for it..lol

Consider yourself gutshot... show me your fallopian tubes..lol
i just lock, load, and regret. - jamesn