I really enjoy BTS footage the more the better. But is all the extra BTS footage of the female talent for free or does it count as a scene. Not talking about Bonus scenes or outakes.
Talent gets booked for a b/g scene. It's a straight fee right. On BTS footage you can clearly see that the scene is over. She's wiping cum off her face, do an exit interview, taking a shower or removing makeup.
Male talent comes in starts kissing on her and bam, it's on again. I've viewed scenes with De'Bella and Kami Andrews where the fucked a guy after the scene that wan't even the male talent. Is this being staged by the companies because it looks real.
Most of the guys just bang away for a couple of minutes then they pull out and cum right away. On the floor or her stomach it does matter. No cool shots of the sex with nice angles just straight fucking.
What company would pay for that? That's why I tend to think that it's real free on camera sex.
Are the girls getting paid for this extra sex on camera?
Are they just lost in the moments?
Freaks of the industry?
I've even seen BTS footage of John Strong getting in practice strokes on Trina M before the scene starts. Again, free sex on camera.
Don't get me wrong I dig the footage I just can't think that the talent is having all this sex (on camera) for no $$$$
Maybe some talent or insiders can help me out here. Sorry for the long write up.