

Why on earth would a chick ask you to choke her while you are fucking her?

If this is a serious question, then your naiveté is really touching. Reducing the amount of oxygen to the brain during sex can heighten the sexual pleasure in intercourse, it's as simple as that. Just ask Ashley Blue.

Yeah yeah, I know, I took Anatomy, Biology and saw "Rising Sun"....It was a rhetorical question of flummoxed outrage....literally why risk your life for a slightly enhanced orgasm? Plus, as I am wont to admit, I was PAYING this chick, and paying her well. PLUS-PLUS, she has a dignified beauty, like a Hott Version of Miss Landers from Leave it to Beaver, spruced up to befit a 2007 high priced whore.

I guess I should be happy, at least she was into it....but still, it is my worst nightmare, having a whore OD or otherwise croak while on my clock. I used to have nightmares of being whisked out of the Mandarin Oriental by the SFPD when my whore-du-jour pops one too many Xanax with her Scotch & Soda and pukes and inhales her vomit and dies in the bathroom with the door locked. While I can afford the best legal representation money can buy, even Phil Spector is now finally facing the music, and he SHOT a whore in his house.

If only Holly Randall loved me, I'd swear off call girls forever ....
Are you gonna eat that?