the weather's getting nice.



Yes, with members like Da Burg and this, you can assure that your future as a whore is secured.

I have never, nor will I, pay for a porn chick to be my "date" for an evening with SEX being the central point, at least not under the pretense that I am paying for her BECAUSE she is a porn chick or what she has done in porn .... besides in Mia's case, she doesnt do cripples.

Ava, on the other hand, is down to earth and cool enough where she'd be willing to overlook my wheelchair IF...THE PRICE IS RIGHT. I'd pay for a NON-sex date with Ava, like dress her up and take her to my next class reunion and let all the uptight married stiffs drool and wonder why the fuck she is with ME (or alternatively, HOW MUCH I PAID her to be with me)...I guarantee by the evening's end, she would have a handful of phone numbers of potential "clients" willing to pay her whatever she asked. I'd kinda be a "passive pimp" in this case.

What say you AVA? Want to visit New England and the Hallowed Halls of Harvard? We'll get Jamesn to join us for cookies and Milk on the Bay...

"She has no waist, no interesting face...but all we are really worshipping is two bags of silicone"

Martin Amis "honoring" katie price with a character bearing some of her traits