Aaahhh, Sybil of the four-ids. Yeah, dipshit, I can do the math. Still hiding behind the alt-id to do your pathetic sniping, cumguzzler? No matter. I'll have you figured out in no time. You're not nearly as slick as you think. In the meantime, since you're here, since you're plainly obsessed with me, and since you're obviously educated judging from your prior posts, whaddaya say you try something more original that the old "you fucking queer" "No you're a fucking queer" routine, huh? It's beneath you. And it fails to live up to the high standards of the Cage. This penny ante material doesn't even rate a blip on my radar. Try again.
"When you're up to your ass in alligators, it's hard to remember that you set out to drain the swamp" -- HST