Regardless the merits of her interview, it's still far better than reading this shit about the anti-porn scumbags.


These people are schmucks and are as out of touch as the "Munsters", but in their bizarre little world, at least they're happy and oblivious.

Indeed. I don't really know if I'd agree with it either, but at least they're not miserable fucks ~ like so many of the professional masturbators on these forums who have balls of brass from behind a computer monitor, and have nothing better to do in their own life, than bitch about how someone else lives theirs.

Generizer said it best, IMO.


What's abnormal for everyone else can be normal for them.

Perfect point, fatty. I think that all the sheltered psycho fucks who home-school their kids because they don't want them "brainwashed by society" are fucked up, too. But I'm sure that's perfectly normal to them. It's all about culture for christ's sake, one man's trash is another man's treasure.
Because you already yelled 'dropping prices!!!' after Red Light canned you. - Gia Jordan to Brandon Iron