Hey slapnuts... as a self described "oddity" I'd shut the fuck up and leave things at neutral buoyancy(if you will) before I start on your Tom Green face(ya..I saved that pic) and your mental deficiencies.

If you want me to call you out as the "over the pond FatMan" then by all means continue on this course. If you wish to post here without funding your counselours kids higher education and not have to review every word you type without reassuring all the voices in your head that the slightest mis-step wont be picked up on by me and maybe suffer the recourse of having your Andre the Giant lookin gourd shoved up your polyped colon,then by all means..shoot your fucken cocksucker off.

Of course I realize that after the textual beatdown I just layed down on you,you have no recourse but to try and defend your defective self.

It's not about fear Anthro.. Its about common sense.
i just lock, load, and regret. - jamesn