
One of my friends said there was this guy who was talking shit on set. He talked shit to this one guy,( something about his smell) the guy didn't take to kindly to that remark and decked him. From what I understand, the instigator was rubbing people the wrong way.

That dude TC is a big time jerk with no class..he pissed off about 10 people cuz he barged his way in front of everybody like he was the owner of the place and then turned around and said more than once "one of you N...as smells like ass" then on his way out he was like"get out of my way-get out of my way" bumping into people and one guy brushed him back so TC started talking shit and the other guy didnt budge and in fact stepped up to him and looked ready to kick his ass and thats when all the pushing and shoving started..TC got scared obvioulsy, other dude would've kicked his ass if nobody had stopped it..what a pussy for someone to start a fight,almost get his ass kicked and then say ima go get my gun! what a coward!