
he made the rounds to the vet to see if there was a medical reason for him to have stopped using the litter box... they found no physical probs, etc, but we couldn't get him to stop, so he ended up returning to the shelter where we had gotten him several years' prior. it was horrible, he was a great pet up until that point, and he and skeeter were the best of friends. but gigi doesn't do cat pee, so jules jordan had to go.

Did you have another cat in the house, by chance, at the time? Early on, when we got Molly (c. 1991), my furball Sass decided he wasn't going to piss in the same litterbox as 'her'. He'd use the bathroom rug instead.

We split them up eventually, and he had the litter box upstairs all to himself, very territorial he was. Unfortunately, Sass was put down due to old age in April '07 after 21+ years.

330831-sass035a.jpg (7 downloads)

Because you already yelled 'dropping prices!!!' after Red Light canned you. - Gia Jordan to Brandon Iron