XPT's least favorite alleged "Retiree" Fayner posts on TMFR's site:


Fayner Posts: If you don't have dogs you may want to stop reading here, 'cause this is about dogs. Even if you have dogs you also may want to discontinue your reading activity about this time.

I'm writing a book on dogs, and think a couple stories from porno folk about their mutts would be welcome. I know most porno people can't read, so anyone reading this would be super cool if they passed it on to any/all porno people they run into.

I'm looking for funny stories, not "my dog is so smart!" bragging, okay?

send 'em to faynerpornbiz@hotmail.com />

I guess that 401K of his only went so far. This does have possibilities, though...
"When you're up to your ass in alligators, it's hard to remember that you set out to drain the swamp" -- HST