In honor of Max Hardcore now being distributed by JM Productions, now seems like a good time to review one of his masterpieces of misogyny, an artwork of ass-fucking, a ...well, I'm out of alliterate descriptions, but this is one of the best pieces of Max's work out there. Like it or not, his work has influenced a good portion of the gonzo directors out there. The man has made his mark in the world of porn.
But, let's get to the review, shall we?
As with most Max releases, this one contains three scenes, each about 30-45 minutes in length, loaded with rough anal sex, "teenies" getting "throated"(where someone got the idea for a gonzo series that is mentioned here more times than just about any other), some DP action(the second stunt cock being in the form of a dildo), and ending with a cumshot to the face. Yeah, Max really doesn't change is game up that much(although, it seems to get a tad bit more extreme as time goes by), but why screw with something that works well for you, right? Remember "New Coke"?
the scenes
So, if you've been around this sight for a while, you've surely seen this pic, right?
Well, friends, that is from the first scene in this movie. Mya Mason plays a lost girl who is wandering the halls of a hotel, where Max is staying, looking for her parents(yeah, some creepy age play stuff here). Max finds her and takes her back to his room to shoot for his latest movie(since he wasn't able to find any other "whores"). She completely get the full Max Hardcore treatment and appears to be crying from about the middle of the scene to the end(real or fake, you be the judge). After having her anal cavity almost completely turned inside out and her windpipe mercilessly pounded, Max hangs the "Out of Service" sign on her chest as the scene ends. You may feel bad for Mya while watching the scene, but keep in mind, she has done four other Max scene(three prior and one after this one).
Next up is Japanese cutie Yumi, who has decent sized tits for an Asian girl. She comes to Max' house to shoot a scene on a red leather couch(I wonder what happened to the yellow one

). She receives the same abuse as Mya, but does so with a smile, which ups the strokeability of this scene. No matter what Max seems to throw at her, she takes it like a champ. She even gleefully rams her fingers down her mouth until she spits up a green, transparent blob on her own chest(they kept this in the US version?!?). Sick, but strangely arousing.
The final scene is an early appearance of Tobi Pacific(created just as Tobi here) sporting blond hair here. She looks much better with red hair, but the looks of the girls in these movies are really kinda secondary, right? This is her only Max scene, but it's a good one(though it is out-shadowed by the previous scenes). Layla Rivera(in same role previously done by Chloey Adams and Catalina) brings little Tobi up to Max's room for the usual Max Hardcore shenanigans. Tobi plays the victim pretty well here(she's done Gag Factor and Tough Love since, so this couldn't have been too traumatic for her), but her crying and squealing does kinda get to be grating after a while. Layla really spends too much time mugging for the camera while the sex is taking place, rather than helping Max out with the degradation in progress. She just kinda takes up space and adds nothing to the scene. As soon as she introduced Tobi to Max, her role should have been through in this scene. Otherwise, another great Max scene.
Closing Thought
One of the best Max DVD's recently. All the scenes are the finest of their type. If you have yet to see a Max movie, I would highly suggest the US version of this one to see if you like this kind of filth or not.

.8(on a scale to 5)