Based on appearance alone one might be tempted to call this affair "close" but the truth is once these two busty brunettes actually start fucking, it'd be clear who the real victor is.
Anal or no, Laura Lion (who is no longer all-natural like Gianna, IIRC) can't hold a candle to Gianna. In fact, from henceforth I can no longer simply call her Gianna. It will be GIANNA~!!! from now on whenever, wherever I refer to her. Laura Lion, I can assure you will NEVER rate the bold-face tilde' bang-bang-bang and I consider myself an LL fan.
GIANNA~!!! is my Michael Jackson. She makes grown men weep or pass out at the very sight of her. And if you don't believe me, have GIANNA~!!! walk through your office or wherever you work. She'd tear the place apart with her mere presence; she wouldn't have to do a thing. She's a legit 5'10", all woman, ain't no "girl" on her nowhere and her showing up at your job would guarantee CHAOS on the same level as the King of Pop strolling through your local airport.