...causes pain and hardship for those who aren't even remotely involved with it.


Some kid in the UK found a picture of a porn-slut who looked like a teacher at his school and sent to picture via phone to another student. The other student sent it to others, and pretty soon the whole school was sharing the pics saying it was the teacher. The teacher ending up going home for two days, because of the stress this was putting on her.

I wonder how different this would have turned out if the picture and teacher in question was a guy? Most likely, the dude would have probably shrugged it off and laughed, I'd think.

So, girls, remember if you want to do porn, make sure you not only want to do something later on in life that a porn past will get you in trouble, but also you do not even remotely resemble anybody that has a job where a porn past will get them in trouble.

If possible, do something with yourself that no other sane woman would do to make you stick out.

A shaved head and large tattoo above the tit might work:

Or maybe just go all out at the tattoo parlor and cover yourself in tattoos no one outside of the sex industry would ever even think of getting:

maybe even something like this too, just for good measure:

See, then nobody's life is inadvertently ruined, but those directly around you. It's only fair, right?