Well well well...lets be realistic. Everyone has different thresholds of pain, and the same goes with Poverty. I know people, friends, who have net worth's in the low 9 figures who could, and do, live incredibly simply and spartan, they dont "NEED" anything...I also know many people who make 60K a year tops and have tastes and spending habits that rival Paris Hilton or European Royalty, they are in hock up to their ass and are NEVER satisfied. And there are many people in between...Me personally, I live well and like to live well, especially with death so clear and distinct...but my "happiness" is not predicated on material possessions or wealth.

Windsock is not happy, given this latest crisis in his life. I have no idea what his life circumstances truly are, and yes, obviously the man is not starving if he can afford booze, movie tickets, Internet and loads and loads of "THE Pornography." But his threshold of pain is clearly low...and he is suffering.

Is that why, then, I am going to send him a few bucks? Nope. I am going to send him something simply because, in the 2 years I have been here, he has entertained me and made me laugh more than the last 4 or 5 comedy shows I have been to, which easily, after drinks, food and tickets and other shit, have cost me, I estimate, around 800 bucks. So sending this lovable boozer some cash, given his apparent need, is easy. Besides, I want to, I can, so I will.

Beside's, he's right about XPT being superior in all facets to ADT. We take care of our own...and we should all hope and expect Windsock to use the money we give him to stock his fridge with beer, go on a 3 day bender, whack off furiously to the Cherry poppins thread, and continue to make us all laugh with his inspired posts.
Are you gonna eat that?