Hey everyone i stumbled across this site while surfing the net for porn. I was reading some of the forum topics and thought i belong to this group. I am a oprn junkie, full fledged addict. I actually went to a porn addicts annonymous type of meeting a couple of months back but only landed up meeting two girls who made my case worse than it ever was before. In the past 3-4 months i have acquired like 100 porn dvds. I used to buy reguar dvd movies now i cant see myself wasting that money when a good fucking porn could be gotten for the same price. Im not a weirdo or a social outcast, im really a normal person besides this one addiction. GOD DAMM you hot porno girls!!!! I figure i might as well own up to my addiction and go all out. Why not.. after my close bout with death over the past year why not just live life for my own little vices. Well i hope to meet some interesting new people on this board. Im full of new and fresh ideas just waiting to be unleashed. Please intorduce yourself to me. Hell we might become porno pen pals. My dvd collection can always be used to supply good times for others as long as the favor is returned.