Interesting you take Bornyo's joke to the bone when others soberly accuse you of putting other performers in mortal danger through deceit, upon which basis the joke is built.
In a brief moment of sobriety Windsock cuts right to the heart of the matter...
Christian, you usually rebuff any attempts to point out the risks by replying that you're getting paid and working every day, as if that somehow absolves you of responsibility towards your co-workers and friends. Other times you state that your partners are tested, which is a good start for a serious discussion but sadly not the end of one.
We could do a serious discussion thread on the subject but it hasn't been clear you want to look at the issue.
I most strongly recommend that you contemplate the last porn HIV outbreak and ask what you're doing to avoid repeating it - after all, Jessica Dee, Lara and Mariesa weren't working overseas or with untested partners (Darren had a HIV- test), so from their standpoint they weren't doing anything riskier than your gay or tranny shoots. That make a good basis for a serious discussion but as long as your replies seem to be a flippant Shaq-type "I'm making good money so I don't see what the problem is" people will answer in kind.
"If they can't picture me with a knife, forcing them to strip in an alley, I don't want any part of it. It's humiliating." - windsock