


Damn Lawyer, the man's only claim to fame is following OJ? That shit was over a decade ago! You couldn't find anyone more relevant than that?

He is still with Stern and does his celebrity and porn interviews. Gary is a good guy and has been in professional broadcasting for 20 years.

Its not easy finding mainstream people (except rappers, Dave Navarro and Gene Simmons) that will come over to this side of the biz.


I don't know man, the bit I saw on your website, he came off as a total asshole.

I must come to Gary's defense. The "asshole" bit is part of the act...Gary is a good friend of mine who used to host a show with my bestest friend Sam Phillips. Gary was my usual golf partner, and a really cool dude. Until I lost his number when my phone fell in a porto-potty, but that's a whole different oprah.
ask me if i care