

Firstly, your sample is skewed - the minority of the male population who opt to pay for sex can't be taken as representative of men in general.

It's not a minority. Not even close. I'm surprised you'd say it is - it's usually women who are clueless as to how many men indulge in paid sex and aren't one-offs.

I'd be really interested to see your source for this. More than 50% of men pay for sex? No way. Most sources I've seen put it about 10%. Of course this is a huge number, but it's still an unrepresentative minority.


It's also funny that you should say that there's no "romantic way to hand over the paid cash" - not funny in the sense that you're wrong or anything, but funny because delivering the illusion of romance is precisely what most escorts are paid to do. A majority of clients expect escorts to kiss them, for example, and the more convincingly an escort can feign attraction for her client, the more in demand she finds herself, and the higher her hourly rate.

I think the popularity of the GFE is because the better an actress the girl is, the more it takes the client's mind off the fakeness of the whole situation. I personally would find it futile, evidently these guys don't. But as you said originally, they also want porno-style fucking - something you don't get from a typical girlfriend. Do you believe they'd be just the same with a civilian girlfriend? Don't you think that the fact that they are paying for it has some influence on this? The fact that they can enact the fantasy with an escort, and she will pretend to like it?


But I digress, and I'd better quit before I end up in the penalty box.

Eh? Your perspective makes you one of the more interesting poster here.
"If I were a guy, not swallowing would be a deal breaker. So what if you cook and clean? I can get a maid for that." - Gia Jordan