

For most people, porn is probably fantasy and they don't try to reenact what they see on-screen with their partners or items of household furniture. But a small majority may.

I disagree. I worked as an escort for two and a half years, and I was a stripper for one year before that. So, one could say that I was on the front lines of America's sexual tastes. A majority of men who see escorts try to reenact what they see in porn (dudes, cut the dry finger in the ass thing out - ouch! Ever heard of lube?!). I have been in a monogamous relationship since I quit more than a year ago, and I never had much sex outside of work, so I'm not in a position to say what it's like for civilian women and girls.

Well you said it yourself, you're not in a position to say what it's like for civilians. The experiences of a sex worker are an extremely poor measure from which to draw any general conclusions on sexual tastes. Firstly, your sample is skewed - the minority of the male population who opt to pay for sex can't be taken as representative of men in general. But perhaps more crucially, the exchange of money changes the nature of the act itself.

I've never paid for sex, but on occasion I've been tempted. My outlook is libertarian, so I have no moral objections. What stopped me? Well, I figure it's really only the psychological aspects that make sex so much better than jerking off, and so many of them are voided by payment. That feeling of privilege at getting something that can't be bought; that this girl has chosen to give herself to you, that she digs you as much as you dig her. No amount of pretending can make up for this; there just isn't a romantic way to hand over the cash. To me, the experience would surely feel utterly empty. All that would be left is pure caveman fuck-that-bitch-in-the-ass lust.

So, if one day I did find that my need for relief overcame my qualms, I know what I'd do. I'd find the filthiest whore possible and fuck the shit outta her every-which-way. At least then I'd be getting something real - genuine perverted sex has gotta beat fake intimacy.
"If I were a guy, not swallowing would be a deal breaker. So what if you cook and clean? I can get a maid for that." - Gia Jordan