So it's a "cockumentary"? Interesting.

Casting-wise, I'd suggest Dave Cummings in a paternal role, Dick Nasty as his father and Cousin Stevie as the evil uncle who teaches you what those bits 'down there' are for while skoolin' you on cussing.

I was going to make suggestions for a mom character, but obviously this would be based around a broken home where the mother had *run off with a trucker or died of chronic alcoholism/crack/heroin.

(* delete as appropriate).

I see no real need to cast young studs in this one, unless you need a little brother type who wets his bed a lot. The list for this role will be long, so I'd hesitate to suggest anyone here when it could be done so much better in The Shit List.
I also am subcribe to postal pornography - CAOH