I will get straight to the point."Lara" danced with my girlfriend up here in Canada.She is a sweet and sincere person, and it breaks our heart to see what she is going through.My girlfriend lost contact with Lara about a year ago.She figured either Lara met a man whom she left with, or she was dancing in the states.What has come out in the last week has been a shock to us.
For those artciles that depict Lara as "unsincere" well, I can only say this. Lara is not 18, she is a little older then that. She has been pretty much on her own since her teens.If she does come off as "diffrent" to put it mildly, it is because she knows the types that she is dealing with.
She has pretty much heard every and any offer, come-online,or what have you. She is very knowlegable when it comes to dealing with smut.
Why she chose to do adult movies, my girlfriend can only guess.While they danced together, they were offered everything from mags to internet, and always said no.
Lara has only a sister that we know of, and they have no idea where their mother is at.I say this only to try and get those who are near her to provide some kind of stable enviroment.I am sure that the means are there to get her on a path to a normal livelyhood.We are trying to get in contact with her, and i'm sure we will. Please let us know of anymore sights we can convey this message to. Thanks