
OK I've tried to stay out of this but enough is enough and fuck all of you who think this thread should die. People in this industry need to know who the hell is doing what sexually so they can have the choice as to whether they want to work with people that increase their risk factor of getting HIV.

To think that because you are tested every thirty days you are safe and have the right to expose others to higher risk factors without them knowing it is down right ignorant. To lie to others about your activities is outright criminal.

You came to Taylor as a big fan that saw her feature dance in a club in Texas.
You told her you were new to the business and would love to work with her. We decided to give you a chance by putting you in an amateur movie since we thought you were new to the business. Little did we know that you were a gay contract star until an employee saw you sucking cock on a TGP page. If in fact you didn't think it would be an issue with anyone, why would you lie like that? You knew exactly what you were doing and you knew that other talent do have these issues.

Taylor was furious with you for taking the choice away from her as to whether she wanted to work with someone who engaged in these sort of activities. As anyone with a brain knows, except for you apparently, gays and Bisexual men have a higher incidence of HIV than Heterosexuals. She's so irrelevant in this business and has been for years? Why did you keep calling her whining because you didn't think it should be an issue for her. Why were you so concerned if she told anyone else?

The fact is, you didn't come out about any of this until after she confronted you and you realized how many other people she brought in through the studio. You were afraid that she would tell everyone but being the professional she is, she left it between you and the talent you worked with. Now you come back and talk like this about her? That in itself shows how little concern you have for others as well as how sick it is that you laugh at what you do.

No Christian, you don't fuck "all" the girls others jerk off to. There are plenty that refuse to work with you and rightly so. We know, we know, you don't care because you work twice a day. Good for you! The fact is, you will never be anybody in this business without the bigger named girls behind you and that makes you irrelevant.

Fact. You lied to get her to work with you. Fact. You continue to lie about being open and honest with those that you work with. If no one cares, why don't you go out of your way to let the girls know?

Let's ask all the talent that Taylor hires every day between the photo studio and the movies she shoots for her own company how irrelevant she is...

All the talent that she has helped in the past whether it be helping to set up websites, providing content to get their web sites started, getting them into magazines when no one else would shoot them, guiding them with their careers, giving girls six scenes at a time so they could afford surgery.

Her testimony in the Lou Perino case helped make it legal for assholes like you to fuck in films. She will never be irrelevant for she has made history in porn, unlike you who will never make history unless you become the next Marc Wallace.

The only one in this business that is irrelevant is you Christian. Preying on girls who don't know any better makes you relevant? You are truly ignorant and delusional. One more thing. Be original with your comeback. If Taylor being a whore is all you have, you are more pathetic than I thought and I didn't think that were possible of any human being.

Be a man. Walk up to every girl you are about to work with and tell them about your past and present activities. Help make this business a little safer for everyone.

Laurien Photographics Inc.

Who cares what you think, you are a nobody
I want to Bust a nut in that bitches right eye