

walt was no nazi... he just didn't like commies.

Walt attended too many Nazi meetings for the question to be disregarded so simply. The Rockefellers hated the commies and ran large businesses, too. But, none of them went to Nazi meetings.

It is quite possible that Disney was more interested in the Fascist elements than the anti-semitic ones. His detractors will note that his cartoons of this period often portrayed Jews in unflattering ways - to put it kindly. But, I don't find these derisions outside the "norms" of the time. No one has ever tied any anti-semitic act to Walt personally.

Though I tend to agree with you, it is still an open question.

He attended a few meetings, though mostly for the anti communist rhetoric, overall though he found them distasteful.

His anti-communist stance was more of a defense mechanism than anything, he was actually quite the socialist in his youth... but after the betrayal of his studio by many animators instigated by union leaders who were at the time communist backed, he had a change of heart and developed a distrust of unions and socialists (another reason he did not like the nazis, they were still socialists.)

His depiction of jews is more perceived than reality... He actually had many close associates who were jewish.

Remember, Walt is the man who brought us Song of the South, which while now considered "racist" by an oversensitive few, also was one of the first movies to feature a black man in a lead role... not to mention the an academy award nomination (which walt through a fit when the academy would not let him attend just because of race.)

Walt was a Utopianist, not so much a fascist. He looked towards a world where people worked towards the betterment of mankind, not the greed of themselves. Look into the original purpose of "the florida project" and EPCOT. It was NEVER intended to be a theme park, I have a long blog post about Walt as a futurist and the dream of EPCOT on my myspace. Seriously though, look into it, it really is a shame EPCOT (not the theme park that bore the name) was never built, as it could have been an example to the world.
"You're disgusting, you Caligula-esque mother fucker. But I like your avatar, so you get a pass. "-Chilledstoli If you're normal, people will accept you... but if you're DERANGED... they will make you their leader! -Christopher Titus