
Maxx Diesel: I like my partners to be vocal. I have a big dick, and I want men to respond to it.

Tell me your nastiest sexual encounter

Maxx Diesel: I was visiting San Antonio and was out at a club. It was late in the night, and I met this hot guy. He followed me into the bathroom and into the stall. A line started forming outside the stall. But we didn't care we had some business to take care of. All without speaking a word.

I'm sure Christian showed him his AIMs test and asked for his before this encounter. Oh wait, Im sure he will say they used a condom or perhaps this was just hype for an interview. Or perhaps it doesnt matter since he's tested clean afterwards.

None-the-less, with this type of behavior he's loading more than 1 bullet into the cylinder for the next performer he works with. I will make sure that I share this thread with every female performer and studio I represent and/or talk to.


Michael www.AdultBizLaw.com