Taylor is tested the day before she shoots any scene and she requires it of anyone she works with. She required it of Christian because she knows through past experience there are dishonest people like him out there. She paid for his test as she does everyone she requires this of.

Mark Wallace was on her top list of performers at one time so she is most concerned for herself and the talent that work for her. We suggest to anyone working for our studio to get tested the day before they shoot. Until all companies get serious about this issue everyone is at a higher risk then they should be. I've been in this business for 25 years and it's always the same. When an outbreak happens, everybody starts pointing the finger at everyone else for the length of the incubation period. As soon as they find out they managed to escape the dreaded disease, they forget it ever happened and go back to thought process that it can't happen to them. They seem to have an attention span that lasts no longer than a pop shot.