
Wow this just gets better and better. There really isnt anything that I can add except for a couple of thoughts.

In my opinion, Christian has the right to fuck and be fucked by any man woman or transsexual he wants whenever he wants and to be able to do with a condom, AIMS test or completely bareback without any test or precautions. Thats the truly great thing about America. Freedom does come with a price though.

As soon as he knowingly spreads a life threatening disease to anyone he will face criminal as well as civil penalties and litigation. Even if he does so without knowledge he will still be on the hook and so will the company that hired him as male talent.

Unfortunately, the next HIV outbreak will forever change the industry. Expect the state of California to regulate the industry and to impose a condom requirement on all scenes or to mandate a testing schedule where no performer can work without a clean test. Meaning that no one will shoot more than 1-2 times per week. Companies and performers will lose a lot of money if that happens.

And this applies to everyone not just Christian. Its just a matter of time until it happens. The bullet is in the chamber and those performers that are taking risks are just spinning that cylinder on anyone they work with.

Any performer that works within the gay, hetero and transsexual parts of the industry is nothing more than a liability to whomever they work for. They will eventually cost a company tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in litigation, civil judgements and fines to Cal/OSHA.


It's a shame that it's going to take another HIV outbreak to make this regulation possibly occur. Chances are it may not be a decade or so until another incident has happened. Suckage.