As a transsexual Pornstar currently working ONLY in the U.S I hope the issue is testing and NOT my gender! I agree that risk factors have alot to do with choices however the last time I looked there are some "straight" groups who are higher risk than the transsexual community but I'm not here to debate that. I am NOT here to take up for Christian because I personally dislike him. My concern again is that people especially female talent would be upset knowing he is or doing work whether condoms or not with females and transsexuals who arent properly tested. That should be the issue NOT the gender of the individual he is working with.

I as a Producer and owner of my own Production company require everyone to be tested and prefer it to be 2 days before the shoot simply as reasons that "casting" said also. However I can't babysit talent from the time they test till they arrive on set.

As far as Christian is concerned trust me ladies and gentleman there are Transsexual producers like myself who dislike him as much as you do NOT because of his personal choices but his ego. Example I was going to hire him to do a shoot with me and Deliah Strong and he had the nerve to contact her and ask she didn't tell anyone about the scene and then ask me not to place his name on the boxcover or picture on the front of the box. At that point I lost all respect for him. If you don't care what people think of your personal choices than don't be a coward and try and hide it. And Christian before you try and bash me or text me calling me a psycho or talk behind my back I am not the only Producer you requested the same things!

But like Christian said he isnt the only talent doing transsexual scenes there are females as well and I don't see a witch hunt going on with them. Again the issue should be the testing and not the gender!

Wendy Williams
My xxx website: