
I m hijacking the thread, ya'll.

Quote from one of "pornlaw" 's posts:

"Before entering adult I represented Warner Bros, Fox, Universal, Entertainment Partners and Cast & Crew. "

I just wanna know why a lawyer who's working for such huge movie companies, whos probably making a shit-fucking-load of money, decides to quit and be a porn industry lawyer???

In America companies tend to hire few lawyers and instead use outside lawyers and law firms on a case-by-case basis as they need them, keeping very few lawyers in-house. It's possible he's worked for all those companies. It's also possible that there are a lot of lawyers who could say that if they've been in business long enough.

As for why porn: well, maybe he's tired of working for suits, doing the same old M&A or whatever every day. Who knows?

I once hired a guy to put up some brush piles on my weekend place - we're talking day-labor here - and it turned out he had a master's degree in biology. After graduating he discovered he *hated* being in a lab all day. He liked being outdoors in the country. So he quit his job and took whatever odd-jobs people in the area had and he's as happy as can be...
"If they can't picture me with a knife, forcing them to strip in an alley, I don't want any part of it. It's humiliating." - windsock