
The point: If a porn performer were injured by any work related activity that person could cite this case and likely win since there is really no difference in the activities of a porn and mainstream movie performer other than sex. So, the argument goes, if a person were infected during a scene, b/b, b/g, etc., that person could pursue compensation from the production company by case precedent. Any and all other agreements would be void since you cannot have a contract that violates the law. And, for example, incorrect assignment of an employee as a 1099er is a violation of law. Not properly informing them of their WC eligibility is a violation of law. etc

How that person would prove such an injury occurred in the commission of a specific action from a specific actor on a specific day might prove interesting.

Fatman - 100% correct on the 1st point and on the second, if it was HIV it wouldnt be hard to trace it to the party that caused the infection. Tracing back and building an "exposure tree" is what AIM did during the last outbreak.

And Christian, seriously, why are you so interested in my personal life. Like I said I could careless what you do in yours, only when you put my clients at risk do I care. I think its remarkable hypocritical to question who I may or may not sleep with when you are obviously not bothered by any type of sexuality.

But to answer your questions - my agenda is to illustrate to the rest of the industry that your attitude is not only dangerous to the other performers but also to the industry as a whole.

(a) No difference between hetero, homo or transgendered sex acts
(b) At least with you it will be rather easy
(c) if you actually read my posts you would see the model releases dont matter. Concentrate on with having sex with trannies and I will handle the law.

Michael www.AdultBizLaw.com