
I'm with WillieD. Christian has never attempted to hide or lie about the shit he gets up to on-set with boys or girls. And I don't believe there are chicks in the biz who don't know what he does. That's what agents and gossip sites are for!

At the same time, as long as it's either wrapped or tested, what's the big deal to anyone outside the performance side of things? STDs appear in the industry all the fucking time, usually from performers fucking people outside the biz. The whole industry is one big game of penile Russian Roulette at the best of times, and if you think otherwise, just ask how many girls have chlamydia more often than they have showers.

I could care less about CX3's sexuality, because he is at least honest about it and isn't sucking cock behind closed doors and then pretending otherwise.

I completely agree... dude's doin' his thing, getting tested, and being up front about it. What more can you ask for in this industry?

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