non sequitur (non sek-wi-toor) [Latin non sequitur, it does not follow: non, not + sequitur, third person sing. present tense of sequi, to follow.]
1. An inference or conclusion that does not follow from the premises or evidence.
2. A statement that does not follow logically from what preceded it.

To wit:
Bornyo: Brandon you're an inveterate self promoter.
Brandon: Bornyo, here is a pic is me with my pants on hiding my enormous dick.

Fine, Brandon you're hung like the King of Siam, the baguette aisle at Safeway is jealous of you, my average penis is unfit for porn. Whatever. But you revel in your own glory, and not in a heathy way. Funny, I don't see other porn directors inventing other screen names on porn gossip boards and then having conversations with them. I've seen so many screen shots of your "50 to 1" movie I feel like I've seen the thing 10 times already. Whether you're straight, bi, flaming I don't care--there's so much gay talk on XPT lately I wanna scream. I personally like having you post here. You're a polarizing figure and that always makes for good reading. But if you get called out, you need to respond, and not with a non sequitur.