Well, not that I really give a fuck, but AVN just released the winners of this year's awards & I figure I might as well beat everybody on XPT to the punch & comment. Overall, not surprisingly, many of the the predictable suspects and usual companies won, but on a positive note JM & Ashley Blue got Most Outrageous Sex Scene for Girlvert 11. Doubtfully taking a cue from my awards published in Fox, Jim Powers got director of the year & Smut's whore of the year Hillary Scott deservedly won Best actress & Female performer of the year after getting ganked last year by that nobody Brit with the bad teeth.
Outrageously, Neu Wave Hookers received an award for Best All Sex Video. It was a rare tie, mind you. A sympathy award?

Another joke was giving best Gonzo release to some feminist director I never heard of. Of course, it was a Vivid release.

"I only insult those who deserve it." - Alfred E. Neuman