

This is great as were the previous ones. Do you keep an open Word document to paste the quotes into or do you have a yellow legal pad next to your computer?

An Excel spreadsheet.

I've used Excel - and before that Lotus - to organize/outline my writing for almost 20 years now. While Word is the tool to use for writing itself, I find Excel to be a better tool for recording/tracking random thoughts and maintaining RAW outlines in flux.

I view the set of disconnected thoughts as a collection of data cells which happen to contain quips as values, so for the Weeks in Review, so I don't use Word at all.

That's a brilliant idea. I've got to do something like that to collect my thoughts for my writing... my short term memory is shot so the minute I come up with a clever quip I forget it. << (that's referring to weed, not crack, BTW)
I really try to retain a respectful distance from my models, even when I'm lubing up their pussies.