I have had a jolly time researching the titles for resident posters. What a laugh. Reminds me of when I worked at the Pentagon in the late 80’s. We had a similar system around the office based on the number of inappropriate advances made on female interns. Luckily I was able to track down the list in an old briefcase.

0: Democrat
50: NYU Art Major
100: Bloomingdale’s Cashier
200: Watergate Bellhop
400: Space Shuttle Mechanic
600: Iran Contra Informer
800: Richard Gere’s Roommate
1000: Jim Baker’s PR Rep
1200: Phil Donahue’s Barber
1400: Evolution Advocate
1600: Bob Saget’s Coke Dealer
1800: Jesse Jackson’s Campaign Manager
2000: Mississippi Governor
2200: John Hinckley’s Defense Attorney
2400: Berlin Wall Architect
2600: Contra Commando
2800: GE Chairman
3000: Ronald Reagan Speech Writer
3500: Kent State Shooter
4000: Republican
People like you ruin the true meaning behind what love is and really should be. You suck. - Gen Padova