Pardon the ignorance of a newcomer. Firstly I fear I am not sure to which forum this query officially belongs. Forum preciseness was made loud and clear to yours truly in the aftermath of my inaugural post, and my decree is to hold true to your requests. That aside, allow me to proceed to the matter at hand. This morning as I was cataloging my collection of dinosaur teeth, a fantastic question crossed my mind. What is the meaning of the various titles adorned to XPT posters? Chronic masturbator, suitcase pimp, ect, are rather self-explanatory. Titles such as ADT regular and sportswami wannabe, however, have left me puzzled and thirsting for knowledge. Would some XPT user be so kind as to explain some of the less obvious titles to a humble new poster? Also, is there a reference of available titles? How are they attained? Thank you in advance for your efforts.
People like you ruin the true meaning behind what love is and really should be. You suck. - Gen Padova