
Utah - A 14-year old Layton boy got pornography for Christmas instead of a video game. Kolton Mahoney got a shock when he put his new Madden NFL '07 game into the X-box 360, excited to play football.

"I'm totally shocked! It's very triple-X rated," said mother Linda Mahoney.

When Kolton popped the game in, he said he saw a warning that read "WARNING: What follows should not be distributed to minors." Then a quick snippet of scandalous material flashed before his eyes. "Right when I saw it, I figured something was wrong. I knew it was bad," said Kolton who then ran to tell his parents what he saw.

"I'm very disappointed he had to see that, on Christmas day especially. I mean, no kid should have to see that," said Mrs. Mahoney.

The Mahoneys are so angry, they have taken it upon themselves to begin the investigation process to find out how these images got on that console.

Kolton got the gift from his uncle, who bought it from a Circuit City store in Modesto, California. The game appears to be authentic; it came with factory wrapping. But taking a closer look around the edges, one gets the idea that it is not an original disc.

Kolton's father Timothy says his brother in California is trying to find some answers without much luck. "It's hard for him to go to the store without the facts that we have. And it's hard for us just to use the phone and email systems to get in touch with whoever is responsible," said Timothy.

Mr. Mahoney is upset that pornography is hitting his family so close to home. "You know, especially here in Utah where we're trying to get away from the pornography and the exploitation of children. And now it comes right into your home! You just don't feel like that's going to happen," said Mr. Mahoney.

And the first thing he did was tell his parents about it. When I was his age, a kid would have said not a word and hid it under his mattress.

What's the matter with kids these day, huh?
