
And at the risk of sounding obvious, there is this thing called sarcasm which people sometimes use, for example when attempting to make a point regarding this board's fascination with degrading the objects of their fantasies.

That said, her sister Whitney was the hot one anyway.

I knew you were sarcastic here likely because of dealing with other posts. Motorcycle boy likely hasn't - not his fault and not yours.

Sarcasm is an art form based upon reference.

It can be painfully difficult to see since there is no tone in writing - the reader emphasises words of his chosing no the author's - and posters are unfamiliar with each other's styles.

No basis. Sacasm works off of basis. The fact of how bad it would be if it were intended is the power of sarcasm.

Well. If you have no experience with the person and the first exposure is something wildly sarcastic that some porn board pervert COULD ACTUALLY BELIEVE, a reader WILL NOT see the sarcasm.

Thus, as I now see with ADT issue in another post, you cannot have a pompous set of rules and required readings and expect that people reading your texts would mis-contrue them as facts.

But don't worry about that motorcycle guy. He had a jock cup specially made that gives him a "camel toe" ...
Amo i Gemelli!! wink