

just curious mr. fattorosi, what are the chances a court would really give money to a known madame like pam peaks because some anonymous fuck on the internet was mean to her?

if you're just lobbing up libel, 90% of the targets have more to worry about legally than you do should you be a hardworking and upstanding citizen

Even people with questionable pasts get to win in Court -- thats the whole justice is blind notion. I've had judges tell me that even felons tell the truth once in a while.


i would love to see you try to get some of the people in our business into a courtroom for that kind of trial. your optimism is humorous to me in a way. i agree with jamesn. most performers (myself included) cant even get to a porn set on time and we are getting paid that day, try showing up for a trial or courtroom 45 minutes late. lol
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