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#21025 - 04/17/04 08:31 AM
Dr?? Sharon Mitchell and AIM
Registered Sex Offender
Registered: 04/16/04
Posts: 2415
Loc: On the Mia Rose bandwagon
I lost all respect from them the last time around with the Marc Wallice cover-up. And now this shit. AIM tests on average 1200 performers a month. They make a $50.00 dollar profit on every AIDS test they perform. Do the math. On their other STD tests they make an average $30.00 profit. Sharon Mitchell is a pill popping alcoholic. She still sucks strange dick on the side by escorting. I would love to know who these sick fucks are who call her up and give her money for sex. This ugly bitch couldn't fuck worth a shit 25 years ago... Do people think she is like a bottle of wine and gets better with age? All the plastic surgery in the world couldn't help this old whore. What the porn industry needs is a complete outsider performing these tests. Someone who could give a shit less who fucks who, who gets HIV, etc. I'm thinking in the lines of an old retired physician. A guy who hasn't got an erection in years or a broad who has went thru menopause. Maybe an ex Surgeon General (ok, I'm thinking big) like C Everret Koop. All the production companies get together and give this person a lifetime contract, 100k a year. The way things are now, this could continue to happen, thanks to the greedy motherfuckers and irresponsible people of AIM. To read more about Dr?? Mitchell check out www.thefloatingworld.com and check out the LA escort review boards.
" Bitch, not even a dumptruck full of Gucci bags would get me to do you. "- Gia Jordan response to pornactorforhire
#21026 - 04/17/04 11:23 AM
Re: Dr?? Sharon Mitchell and AIM
Bukkake Boy
Registered: 04/18/03
Posts: 706
Loc: Las Vegas
A porn hating right-wing jabroni like C. Everett Koop?!?!?? I do agree that they need a open minded,long acknowledged veteran to be running the AIM,but make sure that it's somebody who actually supports the industry that'll be working there,and running the place.
#21027 - 04/17/04 01:26 PM
Re: Dr?? Sharon Mitchell and AIM
Registered Sex Offender
Registered: 04/16/04
Posts: 2415
Loc: On the Mia Rose bandwagon
I was using C Everett as an example and I know, it was a BAD example.
I agree and disagree with your point. I think AIM needs someone who has never been in the industry. Has no ties to porn. That way they can't play favorites or cover up shit. Why would they have to support the industry? Granted, I wouldn't want the person to frown upon it either but he/she should have a completly unbiased opinion. The persons job would be to do ALL the testing, promote the hazards and risks of unprotected sex and finally offer help and support to the people who do have STD's.
Old Dr?? Sharon says one thing, then an hour later goes off and sells her disgusting body to the highest bidder. It sounds like she has more important things on her agenda then to take care of the community she was suppose to protect.
" Bitch, not even a dumptruck full of Gucci bags would get me to do you. "- Gia Jordan response to pornactorforhire
#21030 - 04/17/04 03:20 PM
Re: Dr?? Sharon Mitchell and AIM
Registered: 05/31/03
Posts: 2211
Loc: TX
Is aim actually a non-profit? I wonder how much salary she takes home a year.
Formerly Pornfanintx
#21031 - 04/17/04 03:27 PM
Re: Dr?? Sharon Mitchell and AIM
Chronic Masturbator
Registered: 12/22/03
Posts: 1715
Loc: Everything for the people, not...
all non- profit organizations need to pay thier employees. actually if it wasnt for several volunteers AIM would not be able to function. whatever you say about Mitch, she is not the one who performs all the tests. the tests are run by a lab that was given an award by Roche (the company that created the PCR test) for it excellence. it is one of the BEST labs in the country.
Theres a great big beautiful tomorrow...shining at the end of everyday.
#21032 - 04/17/04 03:46 PM
Re: Dr?? Sharon Mitchell and AIM
Registered: 05/31/03
Posts: 2211
Loc: TX
I know she needs to get paid, I just wonder if it is reasonable or if her pay is draining resources. Actually, the real question is what percentage of the donations or fees that they collect go to administrative duties (seperate from the cost of the tests that are done by a lab).
Formerly Pornfanintx
#21033 - 04/17/04 04:00 PM
Re: Dr?? Sharon Mitchell and AIM
Chronic Masturbator
Registered: 12/22/03
Posts: 1715
Loc: Everything for the people, not...
i will say this much... AIM has been running in the red from the start... even with the donations from companies.
Theres a great big beautiful tomorrow...shining at the end of everyday.
#21034 - 04/17/04 09:46 PM
Re: Dr?? Sharon Mitchell and AIM
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/03/03
Posts: 5849
Loc: TX, USA
Sharon looks a lot better in the pictures on AIM than she used to.
That mobile test vehicle doesn't look cheap.
Sharon's "degree" is a laugher. But she's not trying to hide what it is. This is the first real crisis AIM has had to deal with and I don't see any problem so far. In a few months the talent & industry should do a post-mortem and look for improvements that can be made, but that's true of almost any safety agency, especially one that faces crisis so infrequently.
"If they can't picture me with a knife, forcing them to strip in an alley, I don't want any part of it. It's humiliating." - windsock
#21035 - 04/18/04 12:34 AM
Re: Dr?? Sharon Mitchell and AIM
Internet Tough Guy
Registered: 01/25/04
Posts: 848
First crisis? Was AIM not around in 99?
#21036 - 04/18/04 07:52 AM
Re: Dr?? Sharon Mitchell and AIM
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch
Registered: 04/17/04
Posts: 258
They were around during that time; I think this is the second major (with this many on quarantine) crisis since the whole marc wallace thing in '98.
"You know your girl's a slut when she's doing the two-hand, twisty-turny." -Gia Jordan
#21040 - 04/21/04 01:30 PM
Re: Dr?? Sharon Mitchell and AIM
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/03/03
Posts: 5849
Loc: TX, USA
At some point afterwards (and maybe right now) I would like to see AIM hire an epidemiologist as a consultant to review their procedures to see if there is any improvement to make in the process. You can always find something in a post-mortem and I don’t think getting a real epidemiologist to help should be too hard if you’re genuinely looking for an experienced outsider’s advice.
To be honest the only problem I see so far is communication, and even in the Real World organizations usually have to get through one crisis before realizing communications isn’t something you can ignore because other things are more important.
"If they can't picture me with a knife, forcing them to strip in an alley, I don't want any part of it. It's humiliating." - windsock
#21042 - 02/20/05 12:38 PM
Re: Dr?? Sharon Mitchell and AIM
Rob Black's Crack Pipe
Registered: 12/08/04
Posts: 80
I know I'm reviving an old thraed here but can somene explain to 2 cums that you cant make a 30 dollar PROFIT off of a test that you only charge 25 dollars for. Not to mention AIM has to pay the lab either 22 or 24 dollars(I"M not sure which) ITs either a 1 or 3 dollar profit.
2cums, Where did you get that 30 dollar profit from? They alos charge I believe 85 for the pcr test and pay the lab 45. Thats forty dollars profit, not 50. Then pay the emplyees, workers comp insurance, phone, electrical, rent, the 3 doctors on staff, and everything else it takes to run a clinic that sees 1200 patients every month.Even someone with your limited math skills, and even more limited knowledge about what it actulally takes to run a medical facility can figure out that this place runs on a very tight budget...Even the biggest moron could figure that out.
So for the record 2cums, where did you get the information about the 30 dollar profit on the std tests? Or did you just make it up? But then again, I dont really know if you have the intelligence to even make up something so completely absurd and so easily refuted with the facts.
P>S> Rob, you[re right about running a deficit every year. But the companies donate VERY LITTLE to AIM. Donations form production companies comprise about 1.5 to 2% of all the donations to AIM. This is perhaps the saddest thing in the adult industry.. They might all say the right things abouht wanting to prevent disease, but they put NO FINANCIAL BACKING WHATSOEVER behind their words. I'ave read other sites and articles that talk about donations to AIM from the laarege produscftion companies. THAT IT COMPLETELY FALSE!!!!!!!!!! THEY DONATE NEXT TO NOTHING!!!
And 2cums, aim actulally takes in about 100k every month, mostly cash, of which about 65 to 70% goes directly to the laboratory to pay for the testing.At least try to make your bullshit semi believable, and getting at least one or two of the facts correct would help once in a while too..I think it would be safe to say that you know almost nothing about the way AIM operates, and what their role in the adult industry is> And your personal attacks on sharon mitchell are quite juvenile, not to mention patently false. But its obvious that the truth has no place when trying to intentionally misinform and inflame the very people that AIM is attempting to protect. Thier job is difficult enough without complete MORONS like you sputing this uninformed, complete bullshit.
Edited by helpme (02/21/05 12:59 PM)
#21044 - 02/21/05 02:57 PM
Re: Dr?? Sharon Mitchell and AIM
Rob Black's Crack Pipe
Registered: 12/08/04
Posts: 80
Performers pay $110.oo for a combination of hivpcr, and the gonn/chlamydia. If you only do lthe gonn/chlam it is 25 and if you only do the pcr its 85.
On a testing website caled EHIVTEST.COM you pay almost 400.oo for the exact same tests with a 3 to 5 day turn around time.
In response to 2cums idea of the production companies putting up the money to pay a doctor, first of all AIM has 3 physicians on its staff and second, all the production companies combined for the last 7years have not donated a total of 100,000 dollars. What on earth makes you think they'll start comming up with 100 grand a yearfor AIM. That it truely the most ridiculous thing you've posted here and it only goes to prove that you know very little if nothing at all about how AIM operates. This type of ignorant b.s. only makes matters worse when other uninformed individuals think they're reading something that has some merit to it.
Freedom of speech is a great thing, but along with that freedom comes the responsibility to be honest, and correct in what you say. You,2cums, do not meet either of these qualifications which renders your opinion less than worthless.
According to the aim website the pcr test itself is 90. The site also says the gonn/chlam is 65 but that is for the general public, if you're in the industry it is only 25.
And all I did was make one simple phone call to them to get all this info. It's amazing how such little effort is actually needed to get the facts straight. Maybe 2cums and his ilk will take a lesson from this before making themselves look like complete idiots next time.
And actually AIM was being formed right at the time of the marc wallice incident. It was that outbreak that generated the formation of AIM out of the PAW and Free Speed(oops speech) Coalition.
Edited by helpme (02/21/05 03:18 PM)
#21045 - 02/23/05 03:49 PM
Uhmmmm... Menopause doesn't end sex.
Rob Black's Crack Pipe
Registered: 02/11/05
Posts: 64
Loc: Chatsworth, CA
Menopause tends to turn a lot of women into freaking horny, slut bags who can't get enough of it.
#21046 - 02/23/05 10:42 PM
Re: Dr?? Sharon Mitchell and AIM
Porn Jesus
Registered: 04/17/04
Posts: 6005
Loc: travieso capital management an...
that's an absurdly-inflated fee. i can walk into mgh, which is arguably the best hospital in the world and get a non-subsidized test for half that. the ama sets maximum fees(blood drawing-2.xx dollars, etc.) for that stuff and if i include every possible option aim's not blatantly crooked but they've got some seriously questionable overhead. taking a quick survey of local testing facilities, aim charges about $30-40 more for the aids test and seems about on par with the other screenings. they charge about the most anyone can, but from what i gather wouldn't exactly rank too highly in discretion, qualifications of staff members, lab facilities or expediency of confidential results. sharon's essentially doing a positive thing in a scummy industry, but the costs and turnaround times at aim are a disaster. she's kept a good idea alive and probably saved several lives, but i'd rather let harvard md's handle my test for half the money over the supposedly shattered doctor they've got.
btw, that test you mentioned is different and totally irrelevant to what they offer. you can also get the same thing for about 40-60 bucks, and the materials for hiv testing for about three dollars and under two in bulk.
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