#209736 - 12/29/0604:17 PMRe: Faggy Thread of The Day at ADT
Da Burglar
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/02/05
Posts: 5750
Quote: think it would be pretty cool to have a girl eat a whole hot meal out of another girl's ass - sausage would work (of course!), and maybe some fries. Then obviously ice cream to finish - squeeze it right up there enema-style and let it melt out. Yum yum!
... ow ... ... ow ... ... ow ... ... ow ...
It's because of shit (pun probably intended) like this that more and more, I believe mankind is worthy of extinction. We've lived too long folks... someone call the Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, Branch Davidians, Jehovahs Witnesses, Benny Hinn and/or those weirdos who watch the sky for comets then, upon seeing one, go eat potato chips seasoned with Cycanide salt...and tell all these doomsday prophets that ADT is home of the Antichrist and the reason G-d will bring the curtain down on us all.
I'm sorry...when eating shit suddenly looms large on the "sexy" meter, and figures into the erotic expressionistic imagery that porn is supposed function as...when a otherwise intelligent 18 year old girl proudly (defiantly/tauntingly?) calls herself a "fuck junkie" who like the taste of rectal juices...something tells me its time to put on a helmet and go down into the bunker....