i just returned from going shopping for my nephew for his birthday. i got him this little train set thing that runs around and goes through a mountain, and it's pretty cool. but i was noticing while i was there, how there are absolutely no guns. i knew that toys guns have been out for quite a while now, but i didn't know it was like this bad. there was nothing at all, except for nerf dart guns and the like. i was looking at this soldier get-up, where the kid plays soldier. it came with a rubber knife, plastic grenades, and no gun. a compass, but no gun. there was a old west sheriff playset, too. vest, cowboy hat, star, even spurs. but no gun. what kind of faggot justice are we expecting these kids to dispense, without a gun?

do you think this notion of keeping kids from playing with guns will only serve to make them more sexually aggressive when they get older? what if they take it out on the women, who clearly are trying to take away their manhood by not letting them have plastic uzis? what if they take it out and then ram it down the bitches throats?

is it getting worse?
They're all human beings, and though she may be a liar and a manipulator, it's probably because she doesn't know any other way to survive.