Porn constantly forgets useful things in its past. Like the Milton Twins still floating around after their check kiting spree. Or a whore who flakes on some shoots, gets blackballed, then chenges her name and comes back as if nothing happened. Does anyone care that Jon Dough dies a month ago?
But not you, Aspen Brock...we won't let that happen to you. Long after you want to be forgotten, we'll keep your memory alive, baby!
Aspen started doing porn in her mid-20s, after a life of child abuse and drug addiction prepared her for porn. How can we forget those scenes from
Gangbang Audition when you forced that smile as repeated pestulant pistoning peni invaded your body? Or the time when you showed up at hubby Buck Adams' house with more track marks than Bruce Jenner, when Buck called you a junkie and threw you out. Or your porn tutelage under Regen Senter. Or that dude who wanted to buy up all your videos so no one else could watch them, then left you stranded in a hotel room a few weeks later.
But most of all, we won't forget your heroin-indiced nap on the set of WTW14, and the little fly that crawled into your mouth.