Quote: A. It's miss Raider B. I didnt' say they were going to the superbowl or even the playoffs. I just said they would be better.
Sorry, Mssss Raider. Getting better means drafting good players and that is something that has been missing in the Silver and Black for the past few years. Getting better quickly is opening up the wallet and going after the best in the free agent market. Mr. Leisure Suit has been willing to do so but some have questioned his selections which returns us to his relinquishing the reins of the organization and riding off into the sunset for the good of the organization. Bottomline, it's still a mess and will be for the foreseeable future.
Sharon Mitchell said. "This is a population, you tell them to do something, and they won't do anything."We're not in the real world, we're in the world of porn."