

I didn't think it was possible to find someone that lied more than the whores, but fatty, I think you actually surpass them. You have more bullshit stories than anyone I know. You're like my annoying little nephew that no matter what you say he has some tall tale thats top what you say. Unreal.

Not always. I have no good "sex" stories, "party" stories, "drug" stories, "concert" stories, no "this person died of AIDS" stories and no "I met this whore" stories.

I didn't have the kind of college social life of James or Da Burg, so I have not responded at all to their postings.

I believe I'm older than most of the people here and I've had an active life. I've gone to alot of sporting events - often been a season ticket holder. Been in many stadiums, many now gone and very few of the new ones.

When I came out of college into a recession, I sold women's shoes - lost of stories there. Then moved to TN in Jan 85 and sold computers.

Then I moved to upstate NY and worked for the state. I was very politically active when I worked for the govt, so I met alot of people there. In 1988 I became the lead tech employee for a law enforcement department in NYC when PCs were relatively new, and older cops didn't want to learn about them. So I got to go on many search warrants and got several commendations.

I then consulted for small internet companies during "the boom". Joined one which ended up going down to the point that I was the CFO - with little qualifications to be such. My name is easily found with google on FuckedCompany.

I then returned to consulting, but wasn't very sucessful this time around due to my illness. In June 2004 I disappeared from sight and fucked all of my clients - so I won't be going back to that kind of work again.

Everywhere I go I get noticed. I've got a big mouth know-it-all and get credit for both the good and the bad of that behavior. So, I'm a bit of a magnet for activity.

I "collect" interesting people. Many of these know other interesting people. And, through them I have met - or have been exposed to - some famous people. But, I know no one who is famous. And, certainly they do not no me. The only 2 people of note that new me directly were Jack Ryan now 2nd in command in the Queens DA office [for whom I did the warrants] and possibly Gov Pataki since I was one of the group who convinced my union not to endorse Cuomo in 1994 - which was valuable to him. He would have known my name in 1994. I doubt he would recognize it now.

My sister is renound expert in "Fixed Income" products such as mortgage-backed securities, derivatives, and structured products. She worked for the mayor at his company. My dad worked with him at Salomon Brothers. She knew a good number of people who died on 9/11 - about 20 had been to her wedding. I directly knew no one.

If you don't care to believe my "stories", it's fine with me. But, I'm not inventing them.

And now matter what you believe, I will continue to love your avatar!

You're all still alive?