
I like to watch the rough oral sex, Gag Factor and such. I know some of these women go through a bit of discomfort to amuse and arouse me, the porno consumer. I don't really feel bad about that.

I go to the dentist tomorrow, I have a lady dentist, everybody who works in the place is female. They make me hold my jaws open for an hour while they poke and prod and have their way with me, leaned back so far in a chair I am almost upside down.

I don't know what the fucking point is here. I'm going to watch a Gag Factor now.

-Chuck, Vegetarian fanboy

I can relate Chucky...
My dentist is female..
She is constently leaving her fingers in my mouth in between X-rays and amalgrams. She's jewish buts she got a great rack and is a B.U. fan.

I might hit it.

-Lou,got you in a stranglehold baby,and then I crushed your face.
i just lock, load, and regret. - jamesn