ms. derek fascinates me for a number of reasons. i can see that she is a freak. she is freakish, looking like weird, cheap science. she is my desires, in my face and heinous. i always choose the porn chicks that look like this over the natural looking ones. although clearly ms. derek needs to eat, and if she worked with max hardcore i would feel more conflicted than even usual when i watched her throw on up. (she needed that food, max! look what she's carrying!)

i think i had other things to say, but it's so late. and i can't get my girlfriend to suck my dick.

i bet danielle derek would always suck my dick.

199282-Davia Ardell208.jpg (90 downloads)

They're all human beings, and though she may be a liar and a manipulator, it's probably because she doesn't know any other way to survive.