from"Sample letter:
Millions of Christian people like me spend money minute by minute in McDonald restaurants every day. You are dirtying our airwaves and thereby our children and families when you carelessly and insensitively sponsor Victoria's Secret "Fashion" Show.
You were the only fast food restaurant to attach your name to this lust-fest. You advertised on this show in 2005 as well.
Here is what you helped bring into millions of households Tuesday night, December 5.
The women used their bodies to lure and entice while the camera focused in on barely covered crotches and breasts, mostly bare bottoms, and cleavage. And while the women seductively paraded across stage, men's reactions were shown from the audience.
Do you want my business? Advertising on Victoria's Secret "Fashion" Show is not the way to earn it and keep it.
In closing, I say shame on you, McDonald's. You have not conducted yourself with excellence.
Sincerely, fast-food lover who needs to feed my family with Christian-friendly saturated fat because I'm too stupid to read a cookbook and go to my supermarket's produce section to ascertain seasonal purchases and roll my shopping-cart (crammed with screaming toddlers demanding candy) to the seafood section to buy the freshest catch of the day...I blame my nutritonal failings on Victoria's Secret and McDonald's...