I must have missed the day Donkey Punch was voted the spokesperson for all porn watchers! Typical Anal fag. Of all fetishists, the Latent-Homo Anal groupies are the most fucking annoying because they won't shut the fuck up about it. You never hear a foot fetishist or an S&M fan say so and so should get out of porn because she doesn't do foot worship or bondage. It's always the Anal Fags who act like their dumb fetish is the standard by which all porn should be judged. As a result, the rest of us have to put up with this boring ass Anal crap in every title, just so a small but vocal minority can jag off to it while fantasizing about Jake Gyllenhall.

And to all other Anal fetishists who think pussy is boring: There is a whole genre of porn devoted to your taste. Peter North used to do some of those vids under the name Matt Ramsey. With online renting, you have no excuse anymore. Embarrassment is no longer a factor. We're talking Wall to Wall ass sex, gentlemen! Go ahead, knock yourself out! Just leave Straight porn to us boring heteros who are turned on by women instead of rectums!