
kofi annan's son. one may impact millions of lives with their theivery and deception, but at least he's GOOD AT IT. good enough to trick most people into letting his dad keep his gig.

Dear G*d, I hate the fucking UN and everything about it. I would rather get corn holed by smartt's infested surgically reattached penis than even think about the Useless Nations. Those are the biggest bunch of cock sucking ass ramming mother fuckers on this planet. They steal, they're corrupt, bunch of unelected pricks taking away rights and trying to think up new "rights" for every disenfranchised minority on this planet. I hate the bureaucratic pencil dicks with a fiery passion that is without equal. That whole organization of left wing politically correct fuckwads needs to raped(similar to what they did to those african girls) so I can get a good nights sleep.

Sorry for the hijack james, you hit a nerve.

P.S. I chose the first option. Dude hasn't seen the inside of pussy without some sort of leverage. Congrats Ramone, no woman on this planet wants you in her by free choice.
If cum was concrete, Quasarman would have a four lane freeway going down his throat. - pariah