

Leah Luv: Anyway...the metal comes off in June. So fuck all of you.

Leah, are you sure you want the braces removed? They are your trademark. They are what makes Leah Luv, Leah Luv. If you take them off, you'll be just another diminutive, blonde cum-guzzler. Where would Fonzie have been without his leather jacket? Where would Kim Jong Il be without his whacked out coif? Where would Hitler have been without his mustache? Where would Karen Carpenter have been without her anorexia. I urge you to reconsider.

Well sorry sweetheart but my teeth are more important that the shape of my image. If I were to leave them on, they would eventually rot my teeth. And I dont want that to happen. One of them I broke in 6th grade..the one right in front..and I cant wait to get my venier? I dont know if that is how its spelled.